Analysis of socio-political & environmental disaster risks faced by hotels in Dubai, Andrea El hassani

The present dissertation aspires to provide more insight on Dubai hotels risk management practices. This study was conducted in order to identify the socio-political and environmental disaster risks faced by hotels in Dubai. The current analysis in this field remains limited due to the constant situation’s evolution of the Dubai marketplace. This dissertation aims to respond to three research questions: How Dubai hotels manage the risks they face? What are the socio-political risks and the environmental disaster risks faced by hotels? How to create a risk management plan to identify, assess and monitor these risks? Qualitative data were collected through six interviews with experts from the Dubai hotel industry in order to answer the research questions. Following the interviews analysis, recommendations are provided related to the benefits of creating a hotel risk management program and the strategy to implement it.

The dissertation is structured in six main chapters: (1) Introduction, referring to the aim and scope of the study; (2) Literature Review, addressing the academic background of the hospitality in Dubai, the socio-political and environmental disaster risks; (3) Method and Discovery, presenting the research method; (4) Findings and Analysis, including the interviews data analysis of the identified risks; (5) Summary and Recommendations, providing the guidance to create a hotel risk management program; (6) General Conclusion, discussing the relevance of the hotel risk management program and recommendations for future researches.

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